Chinese Tattoos - What To Avoid

Chinese tattoos are quite popular now. Chinese tattoo symbols are an interesting and unorthodox means of expression. However, it isn't rare that people get misused or wrong tattoos. Although the art of tattooing has been present in China for many centuries it is today that the Chinese tattoo symbols are receiving world wide acclaim. Chinese tattoos are admired by many, there is something about Chinese characters that make people line up in the tattoo parlor, ready to set their stamp of powerful meaning that a Chinese tattoo portrays.

A tattoo in China is known as Chi Shen or Wen Sheh, literally translated the terms mean to puncture the body. Chinese tattoos have an attraction and is liked by many even though people don't usually know their meanings. The Chinese have created thousands of different symbols to represent feelings, objects and words. Chinese tattoo symbol meaning details.

Chinese tattoos that include authentic characters and symbols can form the basis of beautiful designs which carry a deep and personal meaning. But due to the complex nature of Chinese writing it's extremely easy to end up with a permanent embarrassment trapped under your skin unless you take a few basic precautions. So to help you avoid these Chinese tattoo disasters, here are the top five mistakes to look out for;

1. Poor Quality Designs

Chinese writing is extremely complicated so the design of your tattoo has to be precise otherwise the meaning will be lost. One slight alteration or a missed stroke can completely change the meaning of the design.

Unfortunately, due to a combination of poor quality tattoo designs and western artists who try to add their own style to the Chinese characters, thousands of people end up with Chinese tattoos that are incorrect and meaningless.

2. Not Knowing What They Mean

There are many people walking around who don't know the meaning of their Chinese tattoo. Tattooing is a form of self expression, and if you don't know what your design means it becomes rather pointless. So if you plan to get a Chinese character tattoo, make sure that you know what it means before the treatment begins.

3. Misalignment

Chinese characters become meaningless if they are applied upside down or back to front. But this mistake is often made by tattoo artists who don't understand the symbols that they are using. Once they lose track of which way round the designs should be used, it's just luck whether your design is applied correctly.

4. Standard Tattoo Parlour Designs

Most tattoo studios offer hundreds of Chinese symbol designs to choose from. The different options fill binders and walls in tattoo parlours all over the world. Unfortunately, many of these designs have been wrongly translated or have missing strokes which renders them meaningless. And even if the design that you choose is correct, there will be thousands of people around the world with the same design.

If you want a Chinese writing tattoo that enhances your individuality it's important to avoid these standard designs and get a native Chinese speaker to create a custom design which will express your own personal values. Consult two or three native Chinese speakers about your design. Tell them the message that you want your design to convey and ask them for suggestions.

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